Community: Castaway

7 06 2010

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Two weeks.

Two weeks ago I met fifteen people and my life hasn’t been the same since. Two weeks ago was the first night in a while where I didn’t know anyone. Two weeks ago, it was just me, fifteen strangers, and God.

Now, it is completely different. I feel like I’ve known these kids, who were so recently strangers, for a lifetime. We have become a family and we truly do love eachother and it only took two weeks. I’ve known people for years and don’t love them the way I love these guys and girls. There is something bigger and it is so obviously God.

There are a few reasons why I think it’s this way and the first reason is obviously God. God brought us together. He is the one that we are working for. He is the one that all fifteen of us want to see glorified this summer, not ourselves. We are all interns but it’s different. None of us are fighting for a promotion or a job like in a normal internship. We are fighting together so that kids can hear the Gospel. It’s as simple as that.

The second thing is that we are all comfortable, at least I am. There is an incredible amount of fellowship that goes on at YoungLife camp. We are a family and we are a community. We meet together. This might be the first time where another intern hasn’t been within 10 steps of me in a while. We are always together. We play pranks on eachother and we make fun of each other but we love eachother first and foremost. It is beautiful.

There is this poster in our intern lounge (The lounge looks kind of like a Motel 6 in 1968 threw-up poorly digested wooden furniture), but this poster had our names on it and it’s simply there just for us to put encouraging notes for a fellow intern on.

This Hebrews verse says that we should meet with eachother, love eachother, and encourage eachother. That’s exactly what is happening here and that is so awesome to see, feel, and be a part of. It’s divine. It’s something bigger than 15 strangers.

A few nights ago, I shared my personal story with a fellow intern named Chloe. I went into details. My testimony probably lasted around 30 minutes. I was telling stories of my life that really didn’t even necessarily relate to my walk with Christ. What I mean is that I’ve shared my testimony before and I didn’t go into half the details that I did that night with Chloe. But, I rememeber thinking afterwards just how comfortable I felt. Nothing really was left in me. I wasn’t hiding anything. I was completely vulnerable for judgement, but I felt comfortable.

I think that is the beautiful thing about a community in Christ. We should be able to have fellowship and put everything out on the table and be completely comfortable with it. How can we truly love someone if they keep what’s on their minds and hearts bottled up? How can we truly encourage someone if they don’t put everything out there? I know. I know. It’s hard. It was hard for me and I feel that I’m the kind of guy that’s “what you see is what you get”- I don’t hide emotions.

Build a community of love and encouragement. Build a community where you all meet together. Don’t do those stupid “highs and lows of the week” ice breakers at your small group. Get to know one another and really know them. Love one another and in that love, encourage. Be comfortable around your brothers and sisters in Christ because part of love is comfortable.




2 responses

7 06 2010
Tom Pounder

Great update and encouragement Peter! I’m very excited for you and what God is doing in your life. I am praying for you and hope that God continues to blend you all together and that your community is a light to everyone around!


7 06 2010
G Money

Dude glad to hear that everything is going so well Peter. I’m especially encouraged that you guys are friends even though I’m sure you’ve destroyed them at settlers at least 3-5 times since we last spoke.

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