My Summer; Prayer Requests

20 05 2010

So as some of you guys know, I got an internship this summer at a Young Life camp in Minnesota.  The camp is called Castaway and it’s right on the Detroit Lakes in Minnesota.  I have never been but from the pictures I’ve seen and from what people have told me, it is a beautiful place.  I will be making videos for the kids – a video scrapbook type of deal.  Young Life is an outreach ministry that is based on relationships between “grown-ups” and high schoolers and middle schoolers.  The mission of Young Life is to try and reach every kid, everywhere, and let them know about Jesus.

As this approaches there are a number of prayer requests I could be requesting for this summer but here are a few.

1. Energy – Word on the street my schedule looks a lot like this: I wake up at 8am for breakfast.  I start shooting video between 930 and 10AM.  I have lunch around 11:30.  I record video for a few hours after lunch.  And then around 330, I go and edit the video and put it all together for club that night.  After club I shoot more video of the kids and then go and try and edit what I just shot that night so I don’t get behind.  Each week, I’m required to put together about a 20 minute scrapbook for the kids to take home with them.    As you can see it is a lot of hours.  There is no way that I could do this for 3 months straight without God helping me out.  Energy, health, and strength are obvious in something that I need.

2. Creativity – People tell me that I’m creative a lot and I know that the Lord has blessed me in my creativity and too much creativity isn’t a bad thing to have.  Like I stated earlier, I will be putting together pretty much a TV show each week so I just ask that the Lord will reveal each week to me how to use my creativity for that weeks scrapbook.  On top of this comes, what kids to film.  Who will feel really special and loved when they see themselves on TV?  Just pray that I use the right shots and the Lord will show to me the kids to put on TV.

3. Determination – I’m a procrastinator.  I once heard it’s not called procrastination if you get the job done; it’s called pulling through in the clutch.  I’m a firm believer in this.  I’ve actually written a final paper an hour before class and ended up getting an A in the course.  (I’ll be right back, I need to go read how scripture tells us to be humble).  But seriously, I’m not gonna want to do 12 weeks of “pulling through in the clutch.”  That is just dangerous.  So just pray that I’ll continue to have determination.  Also, I’ll be doing a cycle pretty much every day and then on top of that weekly.  At Young Life camps there are no Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, but rather Day 1’s, Day 2’s, Day 3’s.  It’s a huge cycle.  Just pray that I don’t get sick of it but rather see the Glory of God throughout it all.

This will honestly be a great time for me to grow in my walk with the Lord.  I’m excited to see what God has in store for me this summer.  There will be great fellowship and it always is a fun time.  I’ll be updating my blog pretty frequently when I’m at camp.  I love you all.  Thank you for your prayers and we better stay in touch this summer.  I’m not sure what my address is at Castaway but as soon as I figure it out I’ll be sure to let you guys know.





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