
13 02 2010

Some friends and I have been reading through Hebrews for the past couple of days — reading through a chapter a day, meditating on it, and trying to apply it.  I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a reason why this book isn’t among the popular ones.  To read through Hebrews, you have to understand the character of the trinity and you have to be able to take apart each verse, sometimes just phrases, and look at the bone of the verse; an action that should be applied to every book of the Bible but we don’t always do that.  Because Hebrews makes you do that, to grind into the verses, I feel like it is a very helpful book just because you will get mental exercise out of it.  Hebrews is a marathon for the mind.

Hebrews 1:2-4 But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also created the world.  He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.  After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

This passage just keeps on revealing the character of God and the character of Jesus as God to me; past, present, future.

“In these last days he has spoken to us by his Son”.  God’s prophecy in the Old Testament has come true through the Son, Jesus, the heir of all things, AND at the same time created the world.

It goes onto say that Jesus was the exact imprint of his nature.  When I think of this, “The exact imprint” I think of cloning for some reason.  We have been trying to figure out cloning sheep and  mice for so long and I just read today that they are trying to clone a neanderthal so it will come back to life and we can have a neanderthal running around. That be…cool? Right?  See, God 2010 years ago knew how to clone, actually he knew how to clone even before Adam ate the apple.  He didn’t have to start with mice and lab rats, he was just like “‘BAM’ I just cloned myself” and that was that.  2010 years later we still don’t know what the hell we are doing when it comes down to it.  I mean obviously would we expect God not to be able to clone? Of coarse not, He’s God, but this just shows to go at the same time how humans try and play God, and God is just like, “Hey, only I can play God.”

It goes onto say that “he upholds the universe by the word of his power”.  In other words, if God wants humans to be able to clone this Neanderthal, it’ll happen, but if God doesn’t want humanity to clone this neanderthal, God won’t allow it.  Everything in the universe is backed up by God’s word.  I understand that this might be a debatable subject for some people and you may not agree with that but find for me in the Bible a situation when God wasn’t in control…Then we will talk.

That was the past and here is part of the past and part of the future. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Now I know this might seem somewhat basic, but Jesus, after purifying sins forever, present and future, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God.

See, God had spoken through prophecies about the Messiah or Jesus and what He would be like on Earth and what His life would be on Earth.  And then Jesus came, He spoke to Earth, on the Earth. Once again I think this represents, Jesus meeting everybody where their at.  And then after Jesus had purified every sin, present and future, by coming to Earth, Jesus took a seat at the right hand of God the Father.

Verse four clearly states that Jesus is superior to angels.  See, I don’t understand angels.  I just don’t have an understanding on it, but clearly Angels have been a way of communicating to God’s people in the Old Testament.  They were sent by God to the people, so I can clearly see why this verse was put in here.  If the Jews believed that angels were sent by God, then they could clearly make an argument that Jesus was an angel.  By saying superior to the angels, and even the name of Jesus is more excellent than the name of the Angels, it shows that Jesus has to be the Messiah.

All this just shows God in all his Glory and why He deserves worship and praise — as if purifying our sins weren’t enough;  Which it is and which it always will be.



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